Sunday, July 8, 2007

heyy ppl wat kind of kai ju (开局) do u all use neh? i decided to describe some of e normally seen kai ju here budden if u cant view e chinese characters sad for u la! :P

1) 炮二平五 - 中炮
basic requirement: a center canon of crse! has strong attacking from the middle. it's poor ting to b e middle's personally my favourite cos of its strong attack (: & it's e most common cos of shuang pao jiang!! lols. yet it's e 开局 wiv no creativity at all cos it's too widespread!

2) 炮二平五, 炮八平六 - 五六炮 (the 56th canon)
one of the cutest way to protect ur horses, it's defensive & can be used to occupy lane too. hmm..some ppl call it e 45th canon as well :b

3) 炮二平五, 炮八平七 - 五七炮 (the weapon ("wuqi") canon)
attack n attack n attack with both canons. horse often left aside. poor ting. usually need cars to help bombard! jeebaboom!! game over (: hahaha. weak point: other than the 2 炮s, everyting seems weakk. laugh out loud =D

4) 炮二平五,炮二平九 - 五九炮 (the VVIIII canon)
one center one side. usually the horse in between alwaes get shoot at. phewp phewp!!! ahh ppl using the VVIIII tactic is a fan of the famous heaven n earth bun! (天地炮) (: predictable yet deadly.

5) 炮二平六 - 过攻炮 (cross attack canon)
the canon is dere to occupy lane n defend horse der, sometimes it's used to counter attack. v. stable. requires more attack from other pieces.

6) 马二进三 - 平风马 (still wind horses)
two horses stand upright! an absolute coOl formation w x'tra protection on middle soldier n 士 (assistant). most common kind of horses, usually one defends while e other breaks away n attack. hence, i usually call e attacking horse break-wind horse ( 放屁马 ) smelly..

7) 象三近五 - 飞象局 (flying elephant G)
arguably e most stable opening, it requires a flying elephant called G to work.
dont ask me wher u put ur 马 and 炮 cos wiv G around..i simply hav no idea. =/

8) 兵三进一 - 仙人指路 (deity point road / the road of deities )
i juz dont understand why ppl move 兵 firz when it's simply juz so slow. haiix. basically dis opening looks idiotic, topid and slow..but it works sumetimes. key word here is not 'sumetimes' but it is 'looks'. bleahh~ =x

9) 炮二进二, 炮二平三/炮二平一 - 小学开局 (baby move)
baby move. enough said.

10) 帅五进一 - 自杀局 (suicidal opening)
filled w heaps of originality + bravery..and many stupidity. in short, can i smack uu?

oH. anw ppl, pls post more on e blog esp e juiours pls b encouraged to do so!
and i shall describe other pieces n other formations next time (hope it's not too bad!)..mayb once a week? oo yeah (:

*kuanhua 帅五进一 checkmated at

3:55 PM