Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Hi, this is Siang Meng from the '06 batch.
It seems that it has been quite some time since there is anyone updating the blog, so I might as well post a random question here.
As most people know, single 車 will draw with double 仕 and double 相.
But does anyone (expect Jun Yang) know that there is a special scenario in which single 車 can win?
(i try to type out the scenario in words)
from opponent's view, 將row1 col5, 仕row1 col6 and row2 col5, 相row1 col7 and row3 col9
from your view, 帅 仕相 default position, 車row9 col8 (in opponent's 象眼).
now it is red's turn.
This scenario may be a rare case but you never know when you might need it...
So might as well take sometime think about how to win. :)