Saturday, November 15, 2008
As everyone already knows there are 2 competitions during this holiday.
Two types: Individual and Team.
Individual on 22,23 Nov. Team on 30 Nov. Both in year 2008.
The following is a list of those who have signed up.
Individual competition
J2s :
Yang Ce
Yuan Sheng
Zhao Zhuo
J1s :
Jun Jie
Yiong Kiong
Say Yong
Kin Leong
Team competition
Team 1 :
Yang Ce
Yuan Sheng
Zhao Zhuo
Team 2 :
Wen Jie
Ming Liang
Team 3 :
Xiong Jie
Kin Leong
Chee Ming
Team 4 :
Say Yong
Jun Jie
Yiong Kiong
For Individual :
We are meeting at Toa Payoah Mrt Station at 1pm on 22nd Nov.
For Team :
We are meeting at Bishan Mrt Station at 10am on 23Nov.
Alternatively can go to the place yourself.
If you feel loyal that day can wear Chess Club T shirt.
Support is greatly appreciated.
Exact location can be found in Xiong Jie post
on Saturday, October 11, 2008,12:12 AM
Bu Jian Bu Shan
Have a nice day.
~kin leong~
hi!!as i will b away overseas frm tmr to 27 nov..i hav to jiao dai tinks to my commitee..
kin leon..can u help confirm how many ppl wan to buy the chess jacket..1 i tink is at leastb $40 after the tell say yong to use the chess fund 1st to pay..if its not enough, during the competition we get frm them if not the outing..n i will cen u the soft copy of the design cos i tink ned to submit to the shop uncle...but u can feel free to make changes according to the majority..i m ok wif it..n remember while u go to the shop..pls bring wif u a printed hard copy of the design.
say u accompany kin leon to the shop at queensway to buy the jackets after noein the amount..but u mus bring money there if not cant pay deposit..go to the shop by next sat...asap..cos i wan the jacket to be done n collected b4 the chess outig so that we can pass to every1.
chee ming..i wan to go to our blog more oftenly n help me talk to the seniors as in reply to them if they ask anytink abt the chess club while i was away..i hope the outin will b on the 1st wk of the dec cos i dont wanna it to clash wif early NS recruitment..meanwhile i ned to u encourage and continue the discussion on the we goin to hav a 24 hrs outing?sum girls may tink is not safe..(btw kin leon tink so too..hehee..)so by the time i return can update me on ideas?tks!!
Above all..say yong pls keep in mind of the budget we hav..for the outing n the current available budget..
all in all....all of us mus go to blog more oftenly tis fwe wks.tks a lot!!!
Saturday, November 8, 2008

hi!!nw is my turn to advertise liao...
tis new jacket is multi-functional..can be worn for chess club purpose n casual purposes..just flip the jacket n wear the other side..pls zoom in the image to check out where the pockets r...
the reason y i dont wan to put JJ logo is becos i ned approval n paperwork wif the HOD of PD department..that means i ned time to do it..i wan it to be ready b4 chalet or outin so i can pass to all the seniors b4 they go NS..
b4 i talk abt the outing...i wan to remind every1 to scroll down the text box n (the page of the blog if u forgot the NOV competition dates n wan to support..btw i will b overseas till 26 pls contact Kin leong if ned to ask anytink...)
as for the chalet..due to procrastinated arrangement of time wif the bookin..i suggest we just remove chalet event tis ear..we hav a 1 day 1 night fun starting from sat till sun..we will get enough sleep b4 tis outing..then on sat whole night we dont sleep...we go night walk at the most scariest place..bbq at the most romantic and secluded the most touching and scary night movies...go to singapore night places...go night safari..fort canning...
during the day..climb mount faber? fly kite? or go pulau ubin to seoul garden eat...
so u c we can do a lot of tinks from 1D1N outing..if we dont hav chalet..
lastly,,gd luck to all J2 for exams..i noe they wont hav time to read tis..but kin leong..when i was away..pls tell them to read tis...also give comments abt my 2nd ever proposed jacket design after the last time failed...also say wad colour u all n kin leon tink orange is better!
xiongjie XD
Heard that Chess Jackets were gone for good? Felt depressed?
Well, thats last time. Right now we are in the midst of designing a Chess jacket once again! :)
Of course, theres many different designs, so here i will only be putting up one first. :p
~Proposal 1~
2 Pictures speak 2 thousand words

Picture 1 : Front view of our cool president in the cool jacket ^^

Picture 2 : Back view of our cool president in the cool jacket XD
Firstly, the jacket is a two colour jacket, as seen from Picture 1. This brings about a cool effect when u wear it without zipping, as seen from Picture 1.
It is also complementory when we wear the JJ chess T shirt inside (It is also complementory when you zip) Hahax
For the back of the jacket, as seen from Picture 2, its quite cool and theres a "line" there, so maybe we could make use of it to put "something" on top of it?
The designs are supposed to be underway so I cant really say much. Heex
Secondly, the jacket is "double layer one", meaning that u can "flip" the jacket to the other side, so that the other colour (orange in this case) will take up the outer layer of the jacket. In other words, the colours can be swapped. :D
This is very very very practical because during competition we can wear the side with "Chess Club Logos" on it, and for our personal use we can flip over the other side with no "Chess Club Logos".
Opps no pictures here because actually not allowed to take pictures. Lolx

Picture 3: Technical Analysis of Cool Jacket o.0
Actually this is just showing whats cannot be seen from the picture but is actually there. =.='''
A : Theres two small pockets there that you can put small stuff in. It also has a zip so if you jump around your item should still be in the pocket? Sounds fun!
B : Theres two pockets that look like suppposed to put ur hands in. It fits!
I suppose when you put ur hands inside its supposed to feel warmer? Heehee
The price for the jacket itself is $30. Thats if you do not want to include any other designs like names or numbers. There are some other jackets that cost about $25 but the material like not as good as this one lo. They also do not look as nice as this one. Also, this one feels very warm and comfy. Lolx. I feel like I becoming abit biased liao.

Picture 4: Six possible colours for the chess jacket (wow!)
Theres a total of six diffferent possible colours to match with the black colour, as seen from Picture 4. Black is a must. We are thinking of putting the "Chess Club Logos" on the black side(Just a suggestion). Also, I think that day when we go there only saw orange and green pattern at the shop. Hmm, what can that mean?
Thats all for Proposal 1. Yipee! There may be other proposals coming up. Everyone is encouraged to give opinions so that we can all have a jacket that we all like. Especially seniors can give comments and if possible support us by buying the finalised jacket.
~Kin Leong~
Competitition coming up everyone if can please come that day especially those who are participating! The Dates and Venue are in one of the posts by Xiong Jie.
If want can meet up first then go there together also can.
I want Chalet!!! Heex
Saturday, November 1, 2008
According to yong kiong..Chalet is possible at chevrons from 4-8 Jan. any body cant make it?
erm...guo xiang n wei han r also checking out too...i tink guo xiang said that got member?is it..maybe can try ..but give me sum time to getb the response from the J1 n J2..k? then i will rite the response on the blog...
Oh btw...say yong is the IC of this year chalet...his no. is 97690157...
n assisting him is the J1 commitee...n my no. is 82030331 btw...hahah..
The following is the chevron website i found...
btw..J1 commitee pls take note..the NS enlisting dates for J2 is different for every1..n our sch start Jan 12 next better make the chalet b4 Jan12 and best if can weekend.